

To introduce a customized and more beneficial long-term healthy living and diet augmentation juice drink for health conscience individuals. The blends are all-organic, locally sourced, and offer a balanced selection of essential nutrients.


LiquidLab Hi-fidelity comp featuring fresh produce , top navigation, and information on why LiquidLab is good for you and how it benefits you.


To persuade health-conscious individuals to enhance their current juicing diet plan with a customized plan that caters to the individual’s needs rather than any garden-variety juicing plan because results have been proven far more productive. 

To introduce a visually appealing scrollable desktop design in order to host Liquid Lab’s customized juice drink blends.


User profile: Jason is a real estate agent in mid-thirties who loves to grab juice drinks from the farmer's market. He's tech savvy.

LiquidLab moldboard featuring fresh fruits and vegetables shot dark and moody. Rustic backgrounds with old farm tables.

Proposed colors for LiquidLab ranging from grays to light blue and mustard as the pop out color.

LiquidLab typography featuring 4 different font families.

LiquidLab scrollable landing page comp. LiquidLab offers fresh juices customized to your health needs. Photography was staged and shot by me in a dark moody style.

LiquidLab mobile comp featuring the sign up page.


For every idea, there are iterations that lead to the final design. Above are a peak beneath the hood. It takes many versions of typography, colors, and blocking to discover what works best.



Behind the Scenes

I was able to successfully brand Liquid Lab with logo design done in Sketch and with a fresh color pallet of juice orange strategically placed on the CTA’s to help them pop off of the page.

Incorporating the mood board I planned on using dark photography of fresh fruits and vegetables to create a boutique, luxurious feel to the final design.

All photography were staged and captured by me and then edited down in Adobe Photoshop.

Placing the photos in a zigzag grid, encouraged the eye to continue to scroll down the page.