First Iteration | When I arrived to Groundfloor.
Then came the next iteration, “The Quick Fix.”
Time for the feedback
“I would like an enhancement that allows me to better visualize overall portfolio performance, such as historical year by year return, year to date return, etc.”
“... it is missing something OBVIOUS ... it should show how much you have invested, and make it easier to look at your current investments that are not yet matured.”
“... I think having a “notifications” section that I can easily access that shows what properties have had notes updated ...”
This is where we paused to test which layout works best while including the high level information our users were asking for.
Guess which one the user’s chose?
If you guessed the option 9 (the vertical layout), then you would be correct. My team and I were betting on one of the horizontal layouts and threw in the vertical just because. Glad we did! It turned out to be what the user’s wanted.
Where do we go from here?
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this proposal for the new dashboard. It was one of my favorite projects because I could REALLY think outside of the box and consider all of our user’s asks. Let me know if you need help with updating your dashboard!